cards I'm exited for from modern horizons 2
Here are some of the cards from modern horizons 2 that i am looking forward to playing with. These will most likely be incorporated into my own decks.
1. Ragavan, nimble pilferer
This little monkey looks like a very fun commander. The one mana cost gives u the opportunity to play it in turn 1(which isn't very common). So you get your lil monkey in turn one and start swinging in turn 2. After dealing combat damage to a player, ravagan gives you a treasure and you exile the top card of that players libary and may play it. This ability sounds super fun and could really shine in the early, mid or late game. You would be able to steal multiple cards, with multiple combat phases and double strike. I really like abilities which give you the chance to steal cards of your opponents and use them against them. To have this ability on a one mana card is great and i will certainly be building a deck with this little π in the near future.
2. Thrasya, tempest's roar
3 inevitable betrayal
Well I love playing blue and stealing creatures so this pick doesn't need much explanation. It is blue has a low casting cost, the only downside is that it isn't as useful in the late game. Where the game may end in less then 3 turns, so would it still be useful to play this card after turn 7 or eight, no. But does it look fun to play on turn 3 or 2 and pick the most powerful creature on turn 5 or 6 and play another spell of yourself, yes. So i will probably add this to some of my control decks which have some better protaction and ways to delay the game.
4. Esper sentinel
Mono white has never been a power house in the edh format and has always been lacking in multiple ways. One of these aspect where white is lacking is card draw. This card might help alleviate this problem a little bit. It functions like rhystic studies on a non creature spell for the first spell cast each turn. This card might give (mono) white a big boost in playability.
5. Dauthi voidwalker
Like i said before i really like playing cards that aren't yours. And this gives you the ability to play cards out of someones graveyard. However the downside is that you will need to sacrifice dauthi for it. This shouldn't be an issue in decks that have graveyard interaction. I am probably going to incorporate this card in my kenrith deck. because of the easy recursion build into kenrith.
Let me know which cards you have spotted and are going to use!
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