the 5 best budget counterspells for commander

Counterspells are one of the best(if not the best๐Ÿ˜) things in magic. It allows you to either prevent treaths from ever reaching rhe tabel, preventing a player from ever being a threat or just to fuck with someone. The possibilities are endless.
Ill give my 5 favorite counterspell(on a budget) These 5 cards are of course heavily influenced by decks in my playgroup and will be limited to a budget of 5 euro's per card.

1 dovins veto

This might be the best counterspell if you really need something to go through. Because for a white and a blue you get a counterspell that can not be countered. This will effectively result in your spell coming trough. This counter is amazing against other blue and control decks.

2.Insidious will

Insidious will is a great card that gives you multiple options. It gives you the option to counter, change the targets or copy the spell. This gives you a lot of versatility. 

3 Unwind\rewind
Unwind and rewind are practicly the same spell. And allow you to get the casting cost back after casting by untaping 3 or 4 lands. This gives you the option to set your self up for your next spell or to keep some mana open to protect yourself from other threats.

4 Whirlwind denial

This counter has a very specific use and i manily use it against players who like to stack multiple activated abilities or spells like storm decks. I personaly find the most use in this when playing against niv mizzet decks. I am very happy to have this card when multiple spells are cast that cause a pletera of triggers on niv.

5 Arcane denial

Everyone starts looking at the blue player whenever a big spell is cast. Some will be hopefull that you can proctect them from the coming disaster. Playing a counter spell will deplete you of a card and the opponent who will be countered. This gives the remaining players a big advantage of not wasting their recourses. Thats where this counter spell comes in to play, because after playing it it will replace itself by drawing you a card and the opponent who is countered will draw 2. Personaly i think that this is a better option compared to negate (for the commander format). Since this card will replace itself when cast.

So these are my 5 favorite budget counters for the commander format. I am very intrested in what you guys think of my picks and if i missed any great budget counters.


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