most enjoyable combos

Most combos are geared to go infinite and instantly win. well that isn't the main purpose of the combos in this blog post. They may be strong or use combo pieces which may in and of itself be very easy to take infinite, that however is not the goal. The goal of the combos is which one will grants the greatest amount of satisfaction. These will not directly win you the game, but will make it very unlikely that you will lose if they do not get removed or neutralized ๐Ÿ˜. So here come 3 of my favorite combos.

1. kenrith, the returned king and willbreaker

kenrith, the returned king

Kenrith is very easy to take infinite with for instance the use of Zirda, the dawnwaker or a Biomancers familiar. these 2 cards reduce the manacost of abilities and are able to create infinite mana whit multiple cards and Kenrith is one of them. I however think it is much more fun to use willbreaker and steal every creature in sight. Willbreaker will work with lots of other cards which have an ability that can target a creature, but i think that Kenrith as an commander fits best here. Since kenrith has many ways of creating lots of mana, control and he is able to give you some life. And that gaining some life may become necessary once these 2 cards are on the battle field together.  Because this signals to all the other players that you will become the arch enemy. I personal think that this is one of the best outcomes of a fun commander game, where you and your friends have a big showdown at the end, and it is u vs the rest of them. so go steal their cards and smack them with it๐Ÿ˜ˆ.

2. Niv-Mizzet, parun and deathtouch

This one is a bery brutal combo, it relies on giving Niv-Mizzet deathtouch. This will result in you getting to destroy a creature whenever someone plays a spell or when you draw a card. Somone in my playgroup has this combo in one of his decks. I have been on the receiving end of this a couple of times and can tell you that this is a really nasty combo. Especially against decks that are very creature heavy and are poor in recovering from board wipes.

3. Alesha, who smiles at death and Shrieking Mogg

alesha who smiles at death

shrieking mogg

This combo is one of my favorites, because most people do not expect it. Alesha, who smiles at death is a commander that uses her ability to recur creatures with power 2 or les from the graveyard. this ability may be used when Alesha is attacking. Alesha's ability triggers when Alesha attacks, this means the chosen creature comes into play before blockers are declared. Shricking Mogg has an ability that combo's very well with Alesha's ability. When this goblin enters the battlefield it will cause all other creatures in play to tap(including your own), you however already having declared your attackers are already tapped out. This gives an alesha deck the opportunity to come trough with all attackers if needed and when you have an master of qruelties for example this will really help finish most of y
our games very quickly and most people who havent seen this card in use before will probably not see it coming.

I hope that you have enjoyed this article and I am very interested in your favorite combo's.


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