
Showing posts from July, 2021

most enjoyable combos

Most combos are geared to go infinite and instantly win. well that isn't the main purpose of the combos in this blog post. They may be strong or use combo pieces which may in and of itself be very easy to take infinite, that however is not the goal. The goal of the combos is which one will grants the greatest amount of satisfaction. These will not directly win you the game, but will make it very unlikely that you will lose if they do not get removed or neutralized ๐Ÿ˜. So here come 3 of my favorite combos. 1. kenrith, the returned king and willbreaker Kenrith is very easy to take infinite with for instance the use of Zirda, the dawnwaker or a Biomancers familiar. these 2 cards reduce the manacost of abilities and are able to create infinite mana whit multiple cards and Kenrith is one of them. I however think it is much more fun to use willbreaker and steal every creature in sight. Willbreaker will work with lots of other cards which have an ability that can target a creature, but i ...

how do i get my friends to play commander?

Commander isn't much fun when you have no one to play with. That's why I have written this guide for all the lonely commander players. In this post, I'll guide you through various scenarios that you might encounter when getting your friends to play. I understand that not every friend group is the same so take this advice with a grain of salt and do not worry if  you're a lone wolf, I got you covered as well๐Ÿ˜.  (These tips may also work when trying to get your friends to play a normal game of mtg) 1. You have friends who play some magic Let's discuss this first scenario, you have some friends that play magic, they just haven't tried the glorious format also known as edh. Luckily for u, this is the easiest one to pull off(unless your friends are extremely suborn). In this case, I am assuming that you have some commander decks of your own. The thing that holds most players back is the investment of a commander deck. This hesitation prevents them from ever getting ...