
Showing posts from August, 2021

pillow forts: the most under used and undervalued strategy in EDH

The pillow fort strategy is in my personal opinion a very under used and undervalued strategy. It is a strategy that you might want to consider for your next EDH deck. I think it would be good for every commander player to at least try one game with a pillow fort deck and i will try and convince you of the greatness of the pillow fort. the pillow fort strategy is described by the mtg wiki as:  Pillowfort  is a strategy for certain multiplayer formats, particularly the  Commander format . The strategy is political in nature, attempting to make being attacked by an opponent undesirable or futile, thus making the rest of the opponents attack each other. This is achieved through cards that prevent damage or punishing players for attacking, so called Pillows. This also allows players enough time to assemble a  combo  or series of plays which let them win the game. This explanation highlights some of the strengths of this strategy, which in turn allow it to be a fun ...